• Past Mares

    I bought my first mare in 1991 and became hooked on the breed. These are the mares I’ve owned in the past:

    1dr Iduna (Claylee’s Greta x 1dr Ragnvald)

    VRF Sofia Stjerne (Sophie Star x Pipestone Boomer’s Ollie)

    Claylee’s Greta (Claylee’s Megan x Mid’s Coleby)

    Double C Sofia (Dungannon’s Lena x Reterra Gustaf)

    1dr Kjerstin (Odden’s Kari x Valea’s Vesle)

    Ashwood Alma (Ashwood Valina x Fair Acres Garth)

    1dr Carlina (Odden’s Kari x Valea’s Vesle)

    1dr Reida (1dr Ellen x 1dr Kjaman)

    1dr Geneva (Short Creek’s Amber x Valea’s Vesle)

    1dr Balijord (Odden’s Kari x Valea’s Vesle)

    1dr Ellen (Wagner’s Dana x Valea’s Vesle)

    1dr Annemor (Maggie Lane’s Brita x Valea’s Vesle)

    Odden’s Kari (Odden’s Wood’s Eirose x Smedsmo Graen)

    Trina of Ontario (I imported her and couldn’t get the seller to give me the papers to get her transferred into my name, and I sold her before knowing she was microchipped and that I could have gotten her transferred with that information)

    1dr Aubrey (Short Creek’s Jardis x Shome Didrik)

    Maggie Lane’s Brita (Vanya x Sven II)

    Short Creek’s Jardis (Mid’s Ida x Hunibun’s Lars)

    Wagner’s Dana (Delfina x Thorvald I)

    Wagner’s Katie (Helga x Thorvald I)

    Feld’s Gina (Athena x Torgensen)

    Short Creek’s Amber (Mid’s Spice x Hunibun’s Lars)

    PPF Petra (Gerd x Holtar)

    Gerd 2150-B (Skadi 2093-B x Sven 127B)